25 thoughts on “How to Make an Online Store – Step by Step Guide, Easy!”

  1. KMC OnLine Stores ™

    A Quick Note, Just Wanted To Send A Thank You For Sharing Your How To

    – We Are Always Learning, an With The Help Of Such Individuals As Yourself
    – “Success Is Just A Matter Of Time”

    – Here’s A Little Something To Add To Everyone’s Notebook.
    – If Success Were Easy, Then Everyone Would Be Successful, Continue Your
    Journey and Success Will Join You!

    KMC OnLine Stores ™
    – A Division Of:
    Kenny Mark Company ® …

    +Kenny Mark 

  2. very nice and helpful video this information worth money ..thnx a million.
    pls make more videos for a travel website development and SEO

  3. How do we add categories as a drop menu to the “Shop” button and link them?
    For example “Men” and “Women” categories and when we hit “Men” men products
    would appear.

  4. this video was sooo interesting. informative, and educational. i was
    hanging on to your every word!! thanks . Q: would you still have to pay
    paypal a fee if you already have one through ebay? happy holidays, ” hifi,
    thumbs up, does fries come w/your shake”. lol all just to say, great job
    :-). foot note, i have the attention of a cat. on the inside lol

  5. Sir can you tell me,,,at Google search my site link is showing follwed
    by,,,just another word press site,,,can you tell me ASPS how can i remove
    this line Just another word press site,,,,,please

  6. So i followed you step by step but after waiting for almost 5-6 hours my
    website doesn’t show it says “server not found” .please help me?what Im
    supposed to do now ?

  7. Hi Case! 🙂
    I am so thankful to have found you because I needed to set up an online
    store and had NO CLUE how to do it! Between you and another young man on
    YouTube, I DID IT!!! To be honest, he helped me with the initial part of
    everything, but when it came to setting up the wordpress part of the store
    he was only setting up a blog so that is where YOUR expertise came in. You
    guys are awesome to do this for people that don’t have a clue….LIKE ME!!!
    Honestly, I am in awe of the amount of knowledge that goes into this. I
    am just really blessed to have found you and I wanted to let you know that
    I appreciate you more than words can say!!!! Case….YOU ROCK!!! Take
    care, Pam :)

  8. hello sir,great work,and sir i make website like this bat problam in my
    site so pls help me when move curser on product then blink a adds others
    websites pls help me sir

  9. Hi great tutorial! I have a question. Is there anyway to categorize the
    products instead of it all displayed under the Shop tab. Example: under
    shop tab would be Nike tab , New Balance tab. Please let me know. 

  10. Its been a timing issue now solved. But ive got a new problem.mystile no
    zip file download??? Anybody knows the solution?? Thx in advance

  11. Hi, I want to add “zoom image” to my site. Do you have a recommendation of
    a plulg in? and, does it work? do you have instructions as how it works?
    thank you so much. I have watched your video a few times.

  12. quick question which I cant find online. Once you set your attributes and
    variations, how can you go back and change the price on the product you
    created, or maybe change the product to a simple instead of a variable.
    Thank You for your time, appreciate the video

  13. Hi! This is an amazing video. Thanks!! I just want to ask you one thing:

    In the products section below heading “Shop” I see this text: :Showing all
    4 results” —— How do I remove this text??

    Also Just after that text on the right hand side there is a drop down menu
    —— How do I remove that??

    And also how do I put the items in the middle of the page. I see them a bit
    left on the page..

  14. Lets say my website becomes very popular and people are buying my products
    online. Is it possible to sell the website to someone. i.e if we used all
    these other programs to created the website does that give me the rights to
    the website or those other websites we used such as wordpress etc?

  15. hi thank you very much 🙂
    i have a problem that my currency is not there
    how can i fix that , (add my country currency to the list)

  16. hello case do you know what plug in i would use if i need to provide me
    customers with an option to choose colors and also to allow my customers to
    see the product change color 

  17. I have bought a domain from namecheap.com – Then I registered the Baby Plan
    on HostGator.com, I ticked the “I own this domain” field, and followed
    through. When I did the WordPress quick installation, I checked my domain
    and it shows me different page, not the wordpress page. What should I do?

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