25 thoughts on “아기와 나 Baby And Me 2008 English Subtitle Full Korean Comedy Movie”

  1. i watched bcs of Jang Geun Suk. i underestimate it. i thought it’s just
    another korean silly movie. but, man, i cry so much at the end. this is the
    best korean movie i’ve watched 

  2. 43:48 is so funny when the lady asks “how many kids do you have?” and she
    replied “nine” but she meant there is 9 kids in her family but the lady
    thought she meant he has 9 babies of her own hahahahahhahahaha and awwwk
    when Jang Guen Suk was crying because he misses his parents then his baby
    starts crying with him like awwwkk and the end when she just kissed him
    surprisingly and ran away hahahahaha xx

  3. Good luck with your friends and family. I have a good idea to have a good
    idea to haveg idea to have a good idea to have a d idea have a goolotd idea
    to have a good idea dgyyu u rrttyg f do you think

  4. I love this movie… he’s like he will do anything to provide the need of
    his son… for the child’s sake he learned how hard it is to be a father
    like the money he was suppose to buy for a pack of cigarette then he
    changed his mind and bought another can of milk instead…. thumbs up… i
    really hope that all the teenagers this days will really how their parents
    sacrifice for their own good…. 🙂 

  5. This is a really good movie. Parts of it had me laughing especially the
    flashback part when she was in school and kept asking the teachers
    questions they couldn’t answer and did their best to avoid her.

  6. If the real father of the baby is Joon Soo’s friend, why come he looks like
    Joon Soo when he was still a baby?

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