14 thoughts on “Ubercart Tutorial Part 1 – Install Ubercart”

  1. Haha it looks like maybe this video helped you out! You’re welcome.
    @paweltraczynski Firefly is awesome, I hope that show comes back some day.

  2. Thank you, I was afraid at such a fast pace it would be hard to follow. I
    am working on part 2 of the series right now and it should be available in
    a week or two. The new video will be posted on Youtube, and my blog which
    is linked to in the video description.

  3. @gmo2007 You’re right, I made this tutorial assuming you hadn’t created
    another taxonomy term yet, but if you had then taxonomy/term/1 won’t work.
    You’ll need to find the path to the catalog you’ve created by visiting
    yoursite.com/admin/content/taxonomy. From the list, find your catalog. If
    you visit the “edit vocabulary” link, and look at the url in the address
    bar it should be something like:
    yoursite.com/admin/content/taxonomy/edit/vocabulary/3. Use the number at
    the end: taxonomy/term/3

  4. My cart product image does not display. Looks like the file path is
    incorrect. Where do I set this? Is it in Imagecache? Thanks-in-Advance, John

  5. Hey John, When you install Drupal you need to ensure the web server can
    write to the file path. In Drupal 6 to find the file path go to the admin
    menu then Site Configuration > File system. Usually it’s
    /sites/default/files. Change that folder to either world writeable (777),
    or writeable by the owner and the web server group (775), which varies
    based on the operating system you’re using.

  6. Great Video!! 😀 But please do upgrade some of your tutorial peripherals!!
    xD Change your mic!! my ear’s hurt 😀

  7. Thanks for the video. Makes for a quick and easy beginning point. When you
    created the Primary Link for the Catalog link, where did the PATH come
    from? You said it was /taxonomy/term/1. I’m not sure how this came about? I
    created the catalog term, but can’t figure out the proper PATH. Thanks

  8. Hi , Thanks for this tutorial. I have one problem When I created new
    product then My image was not showing on my home page

  9. Thanks! I know the audio/video quality is terrible, my video quality is
    slowly getting better as I get the hang of this video production thing.
    Parts 2 and 3 are available at freelancedrupaldeveloper.ca

  10. Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank
    you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you
    Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you

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