How to Add a Product using VirtueMart, Joomla’s e-commerce software component system. It shows you how to set up the product and also go over minor changes a…
How to Add a Product using VirtueMart, Joomla’s e-commerce software component system. It shows you how to set up the product and also go over minor changes a…
i am new to all this and i would like to open an online shop, it might seem
such silly question but how do you by adding that Tax into your website,
how do you calculate it, do you need to add it from the start when you
publish your shop online i am in the UK thanks a lot
Hi Bla Rabkom, sorry for the late reply things have been quite busy here of
late. Yes you will mostly likely need to add the Tax, I think its called
VAT in the UK ? not entirely sure. VirtueMart does have a feature that
allows you to add tax , as a generic amount or as a per product basis, you
will see this when you are setting up a product.
That clients webshop looked very good, especially that product slider.. Is
that easy to config into virtuemart aswell?