16 thoughts on “Ecommerce Software Review: Zencart, nopCommerce, Shopify”

  1. Joel, I have watched several of your videos….very informative, – which
    system would you recommend for setting up and storing customer information,
    purchase habits, and inventory tracking?

  2. Nexternal Solutions is an eCommerce Platform that was built from the ground
    up with SEO in mind. Some of their SEO friendly features include: -Clean,
    Keyword-rich, Static URLs -Customizable Title, Description, and Keyword
    Meta Elements -H1 Tags -Define Custom Alt Tags -Canonical Elements -Keyword
    Rich Anchor Text -Efficient Tree-Like Link Structure -Auto-Generated
    Robots.txt and XML Sitemap -Product Reviews for User-Generated Content
    -Rich Snippets on Product Detail Screens

  3. Really helpful. Thanks. If you were looking for an off-the-shelf package
    for an e-commerce site what options would you suggest I look at now (June

  4. Thanks for the great info! I have designed a few websites, know HTML. My
    questions is; Can I buy a template for Web Expressions, build my site, and
    then attach my Zen Cart or NOP Commerce to it?

  5. Good review. I think shopify is a good bet as you said; its got such a cool
    shopping cart flow. That’s so important for conversions, and its hosted
    too, so no hassles there with ssl’s and security. Go with an open-source
    solution, and you might end up having to pay more to a developer to set all
    permissions and security patches on a server.

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