10 thoughts on “How to configure your Zen Cart shipping module”

  1. @dat311 Awww sorry! When I recorded these videos I was VERY new to Zencart
    and because I was struggling so much with it I decided to record the videos
    as I learned how to do things. So Zone Rates was not something I had gotten
    to. Hopefully over time I’ll be able to create some more videos on how to
    configure Zencart. Thanks for your comment. 🙂

  2. I have set a webstore up for my company using ZenCart. At the beginning I
    could pick and choose the items I wanted to allow the customers to collect
    and the ones that could only be shipped with a courier.It now seems to have
    re set itself??? Would any one know how to set the WALK IN/SHIP TO option
    by product or category ???

  3. @roibert Thanks for your feedback. As I commented earlier, I will be
    recording more videos over time and this topic may be one of them. But
    going by how long ago you asked this question, I hope you already have an
    answer. 🙂

  4. Hi, I have a webstore that I use ZenCart, I’m having problems with the
    billing and shipping addresses not matching when a customer is placing an
    order would you know how I can handle this problem?

  5. hey michelle, thanks for the demo but my shipping cost doesn’t show up in
    checkout…. don’t know if you’ll answer this question but just gonna try
    and see.

  6. Hi. I’m not actually doing this business anymore but have left the videos
    up to help others. As for your question, my only suggestion is to google
    your question. I have found that the ZenCart forums are extremely helpful
    in the past.

  7. @jenniemulligan I’ve not really used ZenCart in several years
    unfortunately, so am not quite sure how to help you. Have you tried the
    ZenCart forums?

  8. @thl4444 Hi! I won’t get to this tonight but may do so over the weekend and
    I’ll post a reply here for you if I can work it out for you. 🙂

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