18 thoughts on “Install and use Easy Populate on Zencart Watch me load a store with 2000 items! Zen Cart”

  1. Hi. Thank you for the great tutorials, they have helped me tremendously.
    Question, have to had a chance to make the tutorial on how to make the
    “list”. I have installed ez populate and have downloaded a list from the
    same drop shipper you use in this video, but it’s nothing happens, please
    let me know.

  2. Hi, thanks for this tutorial. A friend of mine recently bought a website
    that uses a drop shipper (bangalla) and zen cart to power the site. It has
    8700 items. However, what happened is the site got out of sync with what
    the drop shipper offers, some items have been discontinued and some are out
    of stock. It is Zen Cart 1.3.9, and it does have Easy Populate installed.
    Could you please let me know how do I not just insert the new items, but
    update them so that if they are discontinued or out of stock it would be
    properly reflected? The drop shipper provides 2 files in excel/xml/csv
    formats. Master file and weekly stock report. I’m a developer, and
    usually pretty good with this stuff, but never used the zen cart before or
    this drop ship format. Any advice highly appreciated.

  3. i have about 1000 items i need to put onto my zen cart website from
    turbolister if anyone can help me contact me please.

  4. Easy populate does not work in Zencart 1.5 If you want to use easy populate
    you will need to uninstall 1.5 and install 1.3.9

  5. Hi, i got easy populate on my zen cart but hen i upload .csv files. I got
    this message: Upload Results File uploaded. Temporary filename:
    /tmp/phpCgsGZg User filename: Gallery.csv Size: 2567364 Upload Complete No
    products were even uploaded then. Please help.

  6. @onsalefreedotcom This tutorial deals with tab files not csv. If you loaded
    the version in the tutorial you will need to turn your csv into tab through
    excel and that should work

  7. Hi, I can see how you successfully installed Easy Populate, but for my
    part, I followed your instructions to the letter and there is no sign of
    Easy Populate in my admin/tools or configuration. I must be doing something
    wrong but I cannot for the life of me see what it is..

  8. Thanks so much for this. I have been trying to get this install to work for
    some time, but never was quite able to get it. Followed you step by step
    and had no problems.

  9. Usually its a file placement issue Make sure to open the admin folder and
    the folder where your zen cart admin files were before they were renamed.
    If you have sent the admin folder itself that won’t work (admin/admin) That
    is usually the case, I do it all the time. Good luck and let me know if you
    get it. Also clear cache & refresh. I would be happy to have a look if you
    want. I’m doing another one right now myself.

  10. If you can find a way to export your eBay items in a csv or tab separated
    value then yes. Basically you need a model# (unique id) Image path, title,
    description, price. and any other info such as weight if you are
    calculating postage. quantity. etc. I don’t do enough ebay to have tried
    this. so I really can’t say. If you can get the csv or tab list somehow
    than it definitely can be done BTW I can install this mod or format files
    to migrate your inventory. For a fee, If interested contact me.

  11. Thanks. That’s awesome, I watch whatever “how to” videos I can, and it
    really doesn’t help me to see a twenty second video on a complex subject
    backed up with music and no instruction. I will try to keep making these in
    a way I would understand what is going on. In fact I forget stuff so in a
    sense these videos are for me too. Thanks for watching. Len Farneth.com

  12. Yes You need EOREOR at the end of every line it tells mysql that it has
    reached the end of the record. I have used the newest version as well as
    the one I describe here both have worked equally well for me. I do get “500
    errors” but the records load. and they are there

  13. thanks. I’m using easy_populate_csv_1-2-5-7b.rar. Can i use this version to
    upload .csv file? I’m using the latest zen cart version. Can you give me an
    example of file contains that you use? Maybe i haven’t completely insert
    the code of v_ weight or something like that. Must i put the EOREOR? I
    would appreciate it if you could give me the example of your file so that i
    can compare with mine.

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