You can now purchase the entire series to own at http://torontowebsitedeveloper.com/uc-series. In the 7th of 10 drupal video tutorial on creating an e-commer…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
You can now purchase the entire series to own at http://torontowebsitedeveloper.com/uc-series. In the 7th of 10 drupal video tutorial on creating an e-commer…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Ubercart subscription links are broken for drupal 7
Im getting these below error after clicking on subscription button on
product managment:
Please if you have a soloution let me know
Notice: Undefined index: 0 in uc_recurring_subscription_product_form()
(line 169 of
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in
uc_recurring_subscription_product_form() (line 169 of
very nice, useful tut
Very good content, thank you! Huge time saver for setting up ubercart by
documentation only.
i cant watch the vid it keeps on giving ” an error occurred, please try
again later.” why?
dude, u already make the catalog i was seeking ur tutorial step by step and
u when u reach 5:49 wooola, u have a catalog there, i’m so newbie on this,
i don’t know how u make it, plz help
Thanks for the tutorial. One small thing missing so far. If I have a
product with different sizes then each one has its own SKU and its own
stock level. Do I have to create separate products for each size, or do I
use Attributes/options? I can’t seem to add stock levels for each different
attribute options for one product.
having a problem.. It say that Dimensions are required for custom packaging.
only problem is that i set PRODUCT IS SHIPPABLE off
I would like to import a csv of 2400 items, how can this be done? doing it
manually is not an option. thanks!
Thanks for the comment, appreciate it. Great to hear the tutorials have
helped you and you’ve got Ubercart up and running. Welcome to the world of
can you send me a screen shot of the page that you are getting that message
at? also, what is the path of the page? sounds like the message you get
when you haven’t created any content but this one is actually referencing
content types?
how create ../private ?
Your tutorials are great, thank you so much!
I’m following this series more closely than any series on tv or youtube.
Can’t wait to see how it ends!
Thank you very very much for your tutorials. Keep up the great work!
are you sure you followed the tutorial – i dont think we covered off
customizing product views here and it seems like that error is coming from
some validation you are doing in a view on a taxonomy term?
hey this is xtremly good! Ive learn a lot looking forward for the rest of
the series!
sorry, i found that i hadn’t activated the role module in my
installation… but in any case, we were trying to use ubercart and civicrm
together and the integration was not going too well… so we are probably
not going to use the ubercart functions… basically, any new customer was
to have a record created in civicrm that our customer support code follow
for a year for follow up purposes… Thanks anyway for checking in!
Wow… This shows a real lack of gratitude for another human’s time and
effort, particularly when it is given gratis. I’ll offer that I found *all*
of the tutorials incredibly useful and, as an elearning developer,
appreciate the time it takes to plan out one tutorial much less a series of
them. I am brand-spankin’ new to Drupal yet, as a result of these
tutorials, was easily able to get Ubercart up and running. The 2 hours I’ve
invested have been well worth it and I appreciate the author.
Thanks for these great videos. I find the content, speed, and such all very
good. The only thing I would recommend is at the beginning of the video to
do a quick, “Here’s what you will get when you are done with this tutorial”
and in the case of this video show the view of the catalog and product
views. Again, your time and effort with this is much appreciated!
the entre reason I watched 2h of this already is to see how catalogs are
managed.. for example if I have main category Bread and subcategory
Whatever.. at 5:50 you select a catalog that you previously created .. why
are you wasting so much time talking about unimportant stuff while totally
ignoring the important parts…
Glad you like the tutorials.I would say the CSS is the best and easiest way
to do it – you’ll need to reorder the display of the fields (you do that in
the manage display for the product content type) and float the image left.
However, if they dont want you to do that, you could probably do something
similar by installing the display suite module but to me, you’d be making
it tougher for them to maintain if you are eventually handing it off to
them so hopefully they let you make the css change.
I appreciate you think some things are more important that others but not
everyone shares that same view. This series is provided for free. If you
have an issue, you are more than welcome to find another resource or
actually pay for some help. Additionally, each video contains a text
summary of what is covered. If you are looking for something specific, you
can easily save time by reading those.
thanks i love you man
it’s good english.. cheers!
Your tuts are awesome Peter. Your walk thru and explanations are just
right. Perfect pace and depth.. Please keep em coming… Its like waiting
for your fave band to release a new track 🙂