10 thoughts on “Create a Zen Cart upload file for Easy Populate in MS Excel (Zencart)”

  1. Jebem ti reklamu! Jebem ti Telekom Srbija! Jebem ti ponovno prijavljivanje
    na YouTube! Jebem ti dopuni nalog! Jebem ti Autoplay! Probudiste mi dete po
    stoti put ! Da Bog da propali !

  2. Oh but I forgot to mention.. Search and replace could have found and
    replaced things I did not want to replace. Probably not an issue with the
    underscore prefix but why risk it.

  3. hi, nice post..Is Easy Populate compatible on Zen Cart v1.3.9h? The latest
    version of Easy Populate i currently compatible on Zen Cart v1.3.8h?

  4. Can you help me figure how to get the price margin down from retail? I
    noticed your margin on here is lower. I put in dif numbers in the margin
    but the retail prices stay the same.

  5. i uploaded easy populate to my server and i do not see it under tools.
    in my zen cart control panel.

    i uploaded to my admin directory

    is it suppose to be someplace else



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