7 thoughts on “Uploading Multiple images to a Zencart listing Zen Cart”

  1. 1st, thank you for this posting. I’m new at this and have to watch this
    video a few times to follow through. When you’re talking about multiple
    images, does this include thumbnail images as well for each product? Cuz
    can’t seem to find info on this. Please elaborate. 

  2. I’ve been trying to figure this out for the past 3 hours, even read some
    forum topics & almost installed a mod (glad I didn’t, I try not to install
    others’ mods if I can help it), then came across this video. I’m glad I
    did! This is very easy to do and it worked. You explained it well. THANK

  3. Awesome video tutorial. Works great, but everyone has to agree that this is
    such an annoying way to add multiple images. I was hoping ZenCart would
    change this feature in its latest version.

  4. I do agree. But the zen folks seem to have other things on their minds. The
    image system is completely flawed as far as I am concerned. To link
    external images you have to revise about 40 files.

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